Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to better manage COD for E-Commerce deliveries

COD Collection and management is a key pain area for any home delivery company. Here are  some good practices that can be followed by courier companies to control COD:
1. Get order data from customer electronically

 So that courier company does not miss out marking a consignment as COD. Many a times a delivery is done but money is not collected at delivery branch does not see the order as COD. Sometimes courier boys asks for money from a customer who has already paid !!
2. Provider COD summary in Delivery Run Sheets

This way courier boy clearly knows total consignments that are COD and amount to be collected.
3. End of Day COD Closure process

When delivery run sheet is updated, system will provide a print of COD summary with actual delivery against planned and collection done. This is signed off by hub manager and a copy is given to courier boy. This will reduce disputes and post-mortem
3. Cash Deposit Process

Have a process of system driven cash deposit slips from delivery data. Also Cash deposit slip should be closed with a scan of bank deposit slip.
4. Bank Reco process

Online Reco of bank statement by regional team or central team against Cash Deposit slip closed in point 3 above. This will make sure that cash was actually deposited and bank deposit slip is not a fake
5. Customer Repatriation Module

Once cash is in bank across hundreds of locations, courier actually loses site of whose money was deposited. But delivery data linked with Cash Deposit Slip linked with reco can clearly tell what consignments are delivered and cash is in bank.
With this, a Customer Repatriation Module can prepare a Fund Transfer slip against consignments of a given customer. These are then marked as COD Repatriated

Above steps will give a courier company clear flow and visibility from Booking to Delivery to Collection to Deposit to Bank Reco to Customer Payment.